AwardsShareManagers {Lahman}R Documentation

AwardsShareManagers table


Award voting for managers awards




A data frame with 372 observations on the following 7 variables.


name of award votes were received for




League; a factor with levels AL NL


Manager ID code


Number of points received


Maximum numner of points possible


Number of first place votes


Lahman, S. (2010) Lahman's Baseball Database, 1871-2012, 2012 version,


# Voting for the BBWAA Manager of the Year award by year and league


# Sort in decreasing order of points by year and league
MOYsort <- ddply(AwardsShareManagers, .(yearID, lgID), arrange, desc(pointsWon))

# Any unanimous winners?
subset(AwardsShareManagers, pointsWon == pointsMax)
## [1] awardID    yearID     lgID       managerID  pointsWon  pointsMax 
## [7] votesFirst
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

# OK, how about highest proportion of possible points?
AwardsShareManagers[with(AwardsShareManagers, which.max(pointsWon/pointsMax)), ]
##            awardID yearID lgID  managerID pointsWon pointsMax votesFirst
## 87 Mgr of the year   1991   AL kellyto01m       138       140         27

# Bobby Cox's MOY vote tallies
subset(AwardsShareManagers, managerID == "coxbo01m")
##             awardID yearID lgID managerID pointsWon pointsMax votesFirst
## 2   Mgr of the year   1983   AL  coxbo01m         4        28          4
## 9   Mgr of the year   1984   AL  coxbo01m         9       140          0
## 17  Mgr of the year   1985   AL  coxbo01m       104       140         16
## 95  Mgr of the year   1991   NL  coxbo01m        96       120         13
## 105 Mgr of the year   1992   NL  coxbo01m        29       120          1
## 120 Mgr of the year   1993   NL  coxbo01m        27       140          0
## 132 Mgr of the year   1994   NL  coxbo01m         3       140          0
## 147 Mgr of the year   1995   NL  coxbo01m        20       140          1
## 163 Mgr of the year   1996   NL  coxbo01m        24       140          3
## 174 Mgr of the year   1997   NL  coxbo01m         6       140          0
## 189 Mgr of the year   1998   NL  coxbo01m        17       160          0
## 198 Mgr of the year   1999   NL  coxbo01m        98       160         10
## 214 Mgr of the year   2000   NL  coxbo01m        41       160          1
## 228 Mgr of the Year   2001   NL  coxbo01m        12       160          2
## 238 Mgr of the Year   2002   NL  coxbo01m        93       160          9
## 253 Mgr of the Year   2003   NL  coxbo01m        56       160          6
## 264 Mgr of the year   2004   NL  coxbo01m       140       160         22
## 276 Mgr of the year   2005   NL  coxbo01m       152       160         28
## 327 Mgr of the year   2009   NL  coxbo01m        15       160          0
## 342 Mgr of the year   2010   NL  coxbo01m        28       160          1

[Package Lahman version 2.0-1 Index]