AwardsSharePlayers {Lahman}R Documentation

AwardsSharePlayers table


Award voting for managers awards




A data frame with 6531 observations on the following 7 variables.


name of award votes were received for




League; a factor with levels AL ML NL


Player ID code


Number of points received


Maximum numner of points possible


Number of first place votes


Lahman, S. (2010) Lahman's Baseball Database, 1871-2012, 2012 version,


# Vote tallies for post-season player awards


# Which awards are represented in this data frame?
## [1] "Cy Young"           "MVP"                "Rookie of the Year"

# Sort the votes for the Cy Young award in decreasing order.
# For the first few years, the award went to the best pitcher
# in both leagues.

cyvotes <- ddply(subset(AwardsSharePlayers, awardID == "Cy Young"),
                 .(yearID, lgID), arrange, desc(pointsWon))

# 2012 votes
subset(cyvotes, yearID == 2012)
##      awardID yearID lgID  playerID pointsWon pointsMax votesFirst
## 682 Cy Young   2012   AL priceda01       153       196         14
## 683 Cy Young   2012   AL verlaju01       149       196         13
## 684 Cy Young   2012   AL weaveje02        70       196          0
## 685 Cy Young   2012   AL hernafe02        41       196          0
## 686 Cy Young   2012   AL rodnefe01        38       196          1
## 687 Cy Young   2012   AL  salech01        17       196          0
## 688 Cy Young   2012   AL johnsji04         5       196          0
## 689 Cy Young   2012   AL harrima01         2       196          0
## 690 Cy Young   2012   AL darviyu01         1       196          0
## 691 Cy Young   2012   NL dickera01       209       224         27
## 692 Cy Young   2012   NL kershcl01        96       224          2
## 693 Cy Young   2012   NL gonzagi01        93       224          1
## 694 Cy Young   2012   NL cuetojo01        75       224          1
## 695 Cy Young   2012   NL kimbrcr01        41       224          1
## 696 Cy Young   2012   NL  cainma01        22       224          0
## 697 Cy Young   2012   NL lohseky01         6       224          0
## 698 Cy Young   2012   NL chapmar01         1       224          0
## 699 Cy Young   2012   NL hamelco01         1       224          0

# top three votegetters each year by league

cya_top3 <- ddply(cyvotes, .(yearID, lgID), function(d) head(d, 3))

# unanimous Cy Young winners
subset(cyvotes, pointsWon == pointsMax)
##      awardID yearID lgID  playerID pointsWon pointsMax votesFirst
## 25  Cy Young   1963   ML koufasa01        20        20         20
## 29  Cy Young   1965   ML koufasa01        20        20         20
## 30  Cy Young   1966   ML koufasa01        20        20         20
## 36  Cy Young   1968   AL mclaide01        20        20         20
## 37  Cy Young   1968   NL gibsobo01        20        20         20
## 84  Cy Young   1972   NL carltst01       120       120         24
## 175 Cy Young   1978   AL guidrro01       140       140         28
## 282 Cy Young   1984   NL sutclri01       120       120         24
## 298 Cy Young   1985   NL goodedw01       120       120         24
## 305 Cy Young   1986   AL clemero02       140       140         28
## 342 Cy Young   1988   NL hershor01       120       120         24
## 427 Cy Young   1994   NL maddugr01       140       140         28
## 441 Cy Young   1995   NL maddugr01       140       140         28
## 476 Cy Young   1998   AL clemero02       140       140         28
## 487 Cy Young   1999   AL martipe02       140       140         28
## 505 Cy Young   2000   AL martipe02       140       140         28
## 533 Cy Young   2002   NL johnsra05       160       160         32
## 551 Cy Young   2004   AL santajo01       140       140         28
## 579 Cy Young   2006   AL santajo01       140       140         28
## 602 Cy Young   2007   NL peavyja01       160       160         32
## 646 Cy Young   2010   NL hallaro01       224       224         32
## 659 Cy Young   2011   AL verlaju01       196       196         28

# Top five pitchers with most top 3 vote tallies in CYA
head(with(cya_top3, rev(sort(table(playerID)))), 5)
## playerID
## clemero02 johnsra05 maddugr01 palmeji01 martipe02 
##        10         9         7         6         6

# Ditto for MVP awards

MVP <- subset(AwardsSharePlayers, awardID == "MVP")
MVP_top3 <- ddply(MVP, .(yearID, lgID), 
                  function(d) head(arrange(d, desc(pointsWon)), 3))
head(with(MVP_top3, rev(sort(table(playerID)))), 5)
## playerID
## bondsba01 pujolal01 willite01 musiast01 mantlmi01 
##         9         8         7         7         7

[Package Lahman version 2.0-1 Index]